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The last day of my trip

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View Latin America on sarahm_lux's travel map.

Yesterday afternoon I travelled up to Cancún from where I am flying home tonight. Although it was my last night in Latin America and I felt like I should have a goodbye party, nobody was really in a party mood, so we stayed at the hostel which was nice too.

A few hours after going to bed I woke up with many very itchy bites and realised I had bedbugs! I could not believe it, in my last night here, I get bedbugs again! I had to move beds in the middle of the night and can now only hope that none of them have gotten into my backpack because we found out that most beds in that dorm were suddenly infested with the little biting bugs.

This morning, it was again very cloudy and it did not look like a good day for the beach. However it is the only day I am spending in Cancún and I thought I at least need to see the beach here which so many people chose as their holiday destination every year. This time I was lucky, just after I arrived the sun actually came out. It did not last very long, but at least I got an hour in the sun.
One of the huge hotels in Cancún

One of the huge hotels in Cancún

Cancún beach

Cancún beach

Cancún beach

Cancún beach

Afterwards I had my last Mexican food on the plaza. I will miss it so much! Then I came back to the hostel where I am writing this blog entry and waiting for the time when I need to leave to the airport. I cannot believe that my trip is ending today...

Posted by sarahm_lux 16:26 Archived in Mexico Tagged cancun

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